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Why Water is so Important
The average adult body consist of 60% water, and this water is essential for the body to function properly. There is no part of the body that doesn’t depend on water: brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, muscles, blood, skin... all are water dependant.

Water & Mental Performance
The ability to concentrate decreases with a lack of water. According to experts, a person’s ability to concentrate progressively declines when the body is subject to a water deficiency of just 1-2%..

In order to be efficient and productive at work the need to focus on what you are doing is obvious. Water is one of the most valuable and simple tools to help you. The human brain consists of 85% water. When you are not properly hydrated your brain feels the effects, with headaches, poor concentration and reduced short-term memory. Even your ability to perform arithmetic and the rapidity of your psychomotor skills can be reduced. This is due to the fact that dehydration causes the level of energy production in the brain to decrease.

Recent studies reported in the British Journal of Nutrition have shown that a person’s ability to concentrate progressively declines when the body is subject to a water deficiency of just 1-2%. Researchers reported that test subjects showed degradation in mental alertness, associative learning, visual perception, arithmetic efficiency, short-term memory and reasoning ability. These effects were most often accompanied by increased tiredness and headaches.

So to avoid drops in your cognitive performance, remember to drink plenty of clean filtered water throughout the day.



News Flash


German researchers found that your metabolism can increase by as much as 30 per cent during the 10 minutes after you drink a cold glass. Why? They speculate that your body burns more calories as it tries to warm the water.

The West Australian 30thDecember2011

Cairns Water Coolers - Cairns - North Quneesland Australia

12 Sandwich Street, Kamerunga QLD 4870

Phone/Fax (07) 4039 3268